News Releases / 2018
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November 22, 2018
Rengo Subsidiary Hinode Shiki Kogyo Makes Hakata Danboru Co., Ltd. into a Subsidiary
October 12, 2018Rengo Subsidiary Tri-Wall Invests in Manufacturer of Heavy Duty Packaging in the United Kingdom
October 3, 2018Rengo Wins 7th "Asia Direct Marketing Vision 2018" Prize for Contribution to the Environment and Society
September 27, 2018Rengo Wins Silver Award at Pentawards 2018 Worldwide Packaging Design Competition
July 2, 2018Rengo to Develop New Cellulose Nanofiber Through Application of Cellophane Production Technology
May 7, 2018Rengo Subsidiary Tri-Wall Invests in Manufacturer of Heavy Duty Packaging Materials in the United States