Risk Management
Basic Stance
The Rengo Group’s highest priority is to ensure the safety of employees and their family members. Meanwhile, to fulfill our responsibility as a supporting industry member to supply products that assists with the delivery of living essentials to consumers, we set a range of fundamental policies and strive to improve relevant structures to prepare for disasters.
Risk Management Structure
Rengo has established a CSR Committee chaired by the chairman & CEO with the aims of improving management quality and reducing and avoiding future risks. With regard to the management of compliance, environmental, disaster, quality, information, and other risks, individual departments and the six subcommittees under the CSR Committee for ethics, environment, health and safety, customer satisfaction, public relations, and information security work together to formulate internal regulations, create manuals, and monitor companywide conditions.
In addition, the Board of Directors receives reports on the status of initiatives from the directors who manage or oversee each business unit, group, and department, and from the chairs of each subcommittee. The Board deliberates and makes decisions on improvement initiatives and other matters as necessary.
Natural Disaster Countermeasures
In consideration of the frequent occurrence of natural disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons, Rengo has established a fundamental policy that outlines the company’s response in the event of a disaster. Following the Great East Japan Earthquake, all sites have maintained stocks of emergency supplies since June 2011. In addition, satellite phones were installed at all sites in March 2012.
Since April 2012, we have developed a structure that uses automatically sent emails to confirm the safety of employees and assess damage in the event of a large-scale earthquake. Test emails are sent every six months in preparation for disasters.
Fundamental Policy
- 1.
- Place the highest priority on safety
We will place the highest priority on ensuring the safety of employees and their family members. - 2.
- Restore facilities quickly
We will strive to assess damage conditions of Rengo facilities, restore them as quickly as possible, and continue operations to the greatest degree possible. - 3.
- Maintain and continue corporate activities
We will fulfill our social responsibilities (such as employment and supply) by maintaining and continuing our corporate activities.
Structure (Natural Disaster Occurrence)
- 1.
- If a large-scale natural disaster occurs, a central emergency management headquarters, led by the Rengo's CEO, will be established.
- 2.
- Under the central emergency management headquarters, emergency management headquarters in charge of specific matters (including local emergency management headquarters) will be set up as necessary.
- 3.
- If a Group company is affected by a natural disaster, Rengo's department in charge of related businesses will serve as the point of contact for support.
- 4.
- The central emergency management headquarters will give instructions based on the fundamental policy to emergency management headquarters in charge of specific matters. Emergency management headquarters in charge of specific matters will cooperate with each other to handle the situation.
Infections Disease Countermeasures
Under the COVID-19 pandemic, the greatest crisis Japan has faced in the post-war period, the Rengo Group established the Rengo Group Novel Coronavirus Emergency Management Headquarters in April 2020 and made the best efforts to prevent the infectious disease from spreading. We also fulfilled our social responsibilities through business activities.
To prepare for an infectious disease outbreak, we will continue to formulate infection prevention plans in accordance with the level of infection spread, prepare, raise awareness, and collect information.
Fundamental Policy
- 1.
- Place the highest priority on safety
We will place the highest priority on ensuring the safety of employees and their family members. - 2.
- Take measures against infections
We will systematically take measures against infections, taking into account requests from the government and relevant institutions. - 3.
- Maintain and continue corporate activities
We will fulfill our social responsibilities (such as employment and supply) by maintaining and continuing our corporate activities.
Structure (Infectious Disease Outbreak)
- 1.
- Taking into account the status of infections, a central emergency management headquarters, led by the Rengo's CEO, will be established.
- 2.
- Under the central emergency management headquarters, organizations in charge of relevant matters will be set up to drive a unified approach as the Group.
- 3.
- The central emergency management headquarters will set guidelines based on the fundamental policy, and organizations in charge will implement specific measures in accordance with the guidelines.
Information Security
As advances are made toward digitization throughout society, information management is becoming increasingly important. Having formulated information security policies, including the Fundamental Policy on Information Security, Rengo is implementing thorough risk management and building a robust security system, centered around the Information Security Subcommittee, chaired by the officer in charge of the Information Systems Group.
Fundamental Policy on Information Security
The Rengo Group recognizes that the information and information systems (hereinafter “information assets”) it handles in the course of carrying out its business activities are a source of competitiveness.
Acknowledging that measures to protect information assets from threats to their confidentiality, integrity and availability are an important management issue, the Rengo Group will work to ensure information security based on the following policy.
- 1.
- Compliance with laws and regulations
The Rengo Group complies with laws, regulations and social norms related to information security. - 2.
- Protection of information assets
The Rengo Group takes safe and appropriate protection and measures for information assets in accordance with their importance and risks. - 3.
- Building of information security systems
The Rengo Group establishes internal systems and regulations, etc. that promote information security and makes efforts on a company-wide and cross-organizational basis. - 4.
- Measures for the entire supply chain
The Rengo Group promotes information security measures for the entire supply chain, including suppliers and contractors, and provides safe packaging and related services. - 5.
- Education and training
The Rengo Group provides information security education and training to all executive officers and employees. - 6.
- Responding to problems
The Rengo Group takes prompt recovery and corrective measures in the event of an information security problem, and deals strictly with information leaks and other violations in accordance with internal regulations. - 7.
- Continuous improvement
The Rengo Group periodically reviews its information security initiatives to continuously improve and strengthen them.