For Products to Be Used with Peace of Mind

Rengo establishes the policy for customer satisfaction activities and undertakes initiatives as a whole company to provide products with value to society and improve customer satisfaction.

CS Action Policies for FY3/2024

Create new value through Zero Defect (ZD)

Fundamental philosophy Improve customer satisfaction to the maximum limit amidst economic activities in pursuit of profits
Priority item (1) Improve by speaking aloud;
(2) Understand and follow the rules;
(3) Eliminate contamination and handling errors;
(4) Improve quality of purchased items

Quality Assurance Structure

Based on our customer satisfaction (CS) action policies, Rengo operates its own unique quality management system to ensure product quality. We established the Head Office CS Subcommittee to provide companywide oversight so that we can promote quality assurance activities. The subcommittee meets twice a year and ascertains the status of companywide activities, including those suppliers in the Paperboard Business Unit and the Packaging Business Unit. It also identifies risks related to quality based on customer information, and deliberates and determines the companywide action policies, priority items, and other matters. Each business unit decides on measures in line with the action policies established by the subcommittee. Plants and mills set more concrete measures and targets and work to improve quality by confirming the status of quality activities and evaluating defect countermeasures through monthly Plant/Mill CS Subcommittee meetings.

Quality Assurance Structure]