News Releases / 2011

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  • May 2, 2011

    Reviewing Lifestyles and Considering Electric Power and
    the Future

    The Great East Japan Earthquake and the subsequent nuclear power plant accident and suspension of operation will result in substantial shortages of electric power in eastern Japan this summer.

    The Rengo Group expects its plants and offices in this region to cut maximum daytime electric power use by 25% through energy-saving measures and energy conservation. To avoid large-scale power outages, however, it is urgent that households, which account for approximately 30% of total electric power consumption, also reduce energy usage.

    Rather than simply cutting energy use in eastern Japan this summer, we must take this opportunity for all people in Japan to examine their lifestyle practices and consider the future of energy including electric power in Japan.

    Rengo has positioned energy saving as a positive and fun national movement and will take active measures to encourage energy saving by households including distribution of leaflets calling on all personnel to reduce energy usage in their homes.

    Let's all work together to reduce energy consumption!

    By working together we can overcome the energy shortage and build a bright future.

    Rengo's energy saving leaflet is being distributed to all personnel and business partners.


    leaflet concerning energy saving
    leaflet concerning energy saving

    Excerption from RENGO ENERGY SAVING Leaflet

    Let's Work Together to Use Less Electricity!
    The Great East Japan Earthquake and the subsequent nuclear power plant accident will result in substantial shortages of electric power in eastern Japan this summer.
    Now is the time for households, which consume about 30% of all electricity, to reduce energy consumption.
    Let's use this opportunity for everyone to review our lifestyle habits.
    Let's all work together to reduce energy consumption!
    By working together we can overcome the power shortage.


    Seven Areas Where Households Can Reduce Energy Consumption!

    1. Turn power switches off whenever possible!


    This is the key to reducing electricity use.  Use electricity only to the minimum necessary extent.

    2. Eliminate standby power consumption!


    Standby power consumption accounts for 6% of household electricity use.

    3. Turn down air conditioning!


    Air conditioning is a major target for energy saving.  Each 1 degree increase in temperature reduces electricity use by 10%.

    4. Reduce electricity use by refrigerators!


    Open the door for brief periods only and do not overfill the refrigerator.  Set the temperature a little higher.

    5. Turn off lights!


    Turn on lights only when needed and turn them off when not needed.  Don’t stay up late at night and get up early in the morning.

    6. Reduce electricity use by televisions!


    Turn the main power supply off.  Turn down the brightness.  Read a book instead of watching TV.

    7. Review your living practices!


    Gather the whole family together so only one room needs to be lit and air conditioned.


    Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, and Lighting Account for About 60% of
    Household Electricity Consumption.

    Household Electric Power Consumption

    Air conditioning


    Heated toilet seats


    Refrigeration 16.1%

    Clothes dryer

    Lighting 16.1%


    Television  9.9%


    Heated carpets 4.3% *Source: Agency for Natural Resources and Energy


    Let's Review Lifestyle Habits While Taking into Consideration Peak Energy Usage.

    Peak electric power consumption occurs between 1:00 and 3:00 p.m.
    It is crucial that we reduce energy consumption during this time. However, this does not mean responding only to the electricity shortages caused by the earthquake disaster.
    Today, our day-to-day lifestyles are being questioned.